A Registered Society
Balprada is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Registration number S-39113 of 2001 dated 28th March 2001.

Exemption under Section 12A of Income Tax Act
Balprada was granted exemption under section 12A of Income Tax Act vide order no. B-872/197 dated 26th June, 2002 of Director Income Tax (Exemptions).

Exemption under Section 80G Income Tax Act
Balprada was granted exemption u/s 80G of Income Tax Act for the period 11th June, 2002 to 31st March, 2004 vide letter no. DIT (E)\2002-2003\B-915\ 2633 dated 3rd December 2002 from Director Income Tax (Exemptions). The application for renewal of exemption from 1st April 2004 was filed on 27th February, 2004 and is under consideration of the Income Tax department.

Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN)
The Commissioner of Income Tax (PAN) has allotted PAN number “AAATB4292K” to Balprada.

Magazine Registration
The Registrar of Newspapers for India had registered ‘Balprada’ Magazine vide RNI no. DELBIL/2003/10073 dated 16th June, 2003. RNI issued a revised certificate on 27th January 2004 after change in name of printing press.

Postal Registration for bulk mailing
Balprada magazine was allotted postal registration no. DL(N)06/0034/04-06 dated 29th January 2004 for a period of three calendar years for mailing up to 1800 copies at a concessional postage. The magazine can be mailed at Ashok Vihar Post Office on 16th or 17th of every month.

Application for Registration under Bhagidari Scheme
Balprada has applied for registration under the Bhagidari Scheme of the Government of NCT of Delhi. Bhagidari Scheme’s aim is to increase people’s participation and responsiveness of Administration to citizens’ problems, which are similar to the aims and objectives of Balprada.

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