- Name of the Society : The name of the Society shall be “BALPRADA”
- Area of Operation : All over Delhi
- Membership : Membership of the Society shall be open to any person of sound mind, who has attained the age of majority and fulfills the terms and conditions of the Society subject to the approval of the Management Committee.
- Admission and Qualification for Membership :
- Application for membership in prescribed from duly filled in and signed by the applicant and proposed by one member of the Society, together with prescribed admission fee and annual subscription, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Society.
- The Management Committee shall consider and decide as expeditiously as possible, but not later than 30 days form the date of receipt of application.
- The Management Committee of the Society shall have power to refuse the membership of the Society to any applicant on any of the following grounds: –
if the applicant is found to have been working against the aims and objects of the Society.
if the applicant has been adjudged to be a criminal offender by any court of law.
if it is apprehended that the applicant may not be able to work cohesively with the other members of the Society.
If the Management Committee rejects any application for membership, such decision shall be final and shall be communicated to the applicant with reasons thereof. On rejection of application for membership the admission fee and annual subscription shall be refunded forthwith to the applicant.
- Admission fee and Annual Subscription:
- Admission fee: The admission fee shall be Rs. 251/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty one only) payable along with the application for membership.
Annual Subscription: The annual subscription payable by members shall be Rs.250/-( Rupees two hundred and fifty one only ) and it shall become due on the first day of every financial year and shall be payable within two months of due date. In case of a new applicant the annual subscription shall be payable along with the application for membership.
- Termination/Cessation of Membership; The Management Committee of the Society shall have powers to terminate the membership of any member of the Society on the following grounds:
- on the member’s written resignation
If the member fails to pay the annual subscription within two months from the due date.
if the member has not attended three consecutive General Body meetings without advance intimation in writing.
If the member dies or becomes incapacitated on account of illness or insolvency or for any other reason.
If the member is convicted of any criminal offence by any Court of law.
If the member intentionally does any act detrimental to the interests of the Society or willfully disobeys the Rules and Regulations or decisions of the Management Committee or the General Body;
- Appeal and Readmission of Members: All the appeals shall be preferred to the General Body of the Society. The decision of the General Body shall be final and shall be communicated to the member concerned in writing. In case the membership is terminated on account of non-payment of dues, the membership can be restored with the permission of the Management Committee on payment of all the dues.
- Rights and Privileges of Members: Every member shall have the following rights –
to participate in the General Body meetings.
to inspect the records of the Society with prior approval of Management Committee.
to stand as a candidate for being elected to Management Committee and other committees.
- to one vote at the meetings of the Society.
However, if the member fails to pay the annual subscription for more than two months after it becomes due, the member shall not be entititled to vote at any meeting of Management Committee or General Body or to participate in any election of the Society until clearance of the arrears.
Duties of Members:Every member of Society shall: –
Attend the General Body Meetings regularly.
Not indulge in activities, which are prejudicial to the Aims and Objects or the Rules and Regulation of the Society.
General Body :
The General Body shall consist of all members of the Society with voting right and shall have the final authority in all the matters
- The rights and privileges of the General Body shall be the following: –
- To elect the office bearers and members of the Management Committee.
- To remove any office bearer / member of the Management Committee
- To approve the accounts of the Society.
- To consider the audit report and annual report.
- To hear and decide appeals against the decisions of the Management Committee.
- To consider and decide any other matter related to the functioning of the Society with the permission of the Chairman.
- Meetings of General Body :
- Annual General Body meeting shall be held once in every year.
- Extra ordinary meeting of General Body may be held on demand of more than 1/3rd eligibile members of the Society.
- A notice of at least 15 days shall be given in writing to all the members with voting rights for convening any General Body Meeting. Date, time, place, venue and agenda of the meeting shall form part of the notice.
- Every member eligible for voting present in person shall have one vote and voting for election shall be by secret ballot.
- The quorum for the General Body Meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total number of members with voting rights.
- The President of the Society shall be the Chairman at all meetings of the General Body, in his absence Secretary shall preside over the meetings. In the absence of President and Secretary, the members present shall choose one of the members to be the Chairman.
- In absence of quorum, the Chairman may adjourn the meeting for an hour. No quorum shall be required for the adjourned meeting.
- All decisions in the General Body meeting shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of the members present with voting rights. However in case of matters pertaining to the removal of office-bearers, members of Management Committee and appeals against the decisions of Management Committee shall require 2/3rd majority of the members present with voting rights.
- Management Committee
Subject to the overall control and supervision of the General Body, the management of the affairs of the Society, shall vest in the Management Committee. The minimum size of the Management Committee shall be seven, which shall consist the following:
- President — One
- Secretary — One
- Treasurer — One
- Members — Four
The size of the Management Committee may be increased to a maximum of Ten with the approval of the General Body.
The Management Committee shall hold office for a period of two years, but shall continue in office until fresh elections are held.
- Election of Management Committee
- The office bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be elected out of eligible members of the Society in the General Body Meeting called for this purpose, the date whereof shall be decided by the Management Committee in office.
- The Management Committee shall appoint a returning officer from amongst the members of the Society for holding the elections, provided that such member shall not contest or campaign for any candidate in the election.
- The Returning Officer shall conduct elections in accordance with the bye-laws to be framed by the Management Committee. No person can hold more than one office at a time and, therefore, will be eligible to contest only for one office.
- No member shall propose or second a nomination paper for an office for which the member himself/herself is a candidate. All nominations in contravention of this rule shall be invalid.
Functions and Powers of the Management Committee :-
The day-to-day management and control of the Society shall be vested in the Management Committee which may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects of the Society as specified in the Memorandum of Association. The Management committee may delegate any of its powers to a committee or sub-committee or any office bearer in writing.
However, without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by these Articles, the Managing committee shall have the following specific powers:
- To receive financial and non-financial assistance from government or non-government organizations, international agencies, banks and other legal entities, associations or individuals.
- To raise funds for the Society by way of special subscription, membership or entrance fees, loans and advances and to accept grants, donations, gifts, bequests, endowments, etc. on such terms and obligations not inconsistent with the aims and objects of the Society
- To pay the costs, charges and expenses, preliminary and incidental to the promotion, formation, establishment and registration of the Society and other institutions proposed to be owned and managed by it.
- To invest surplus money in fixed deposits with banks, Government securities and bonds or any other security permissible under the law.
- To fix and assign such duties and responsibilities of its various office bearers and employees.
- To alter, increase or reduce the admission fee and annual subscription for the membership.
- To alter and repeal such rules, regulations, bye-laws, not inconsistent with the Memorandum of Association for proper conduct, management and control of the Society or of the Institutions under its management or for any matter under these rules requiring to be regulated by the bye- laws.
- To engage or employ the professionals or such other persons as required for specialized assistance for the advancement of aims and objectives of the society.
- To purchase, acquire, sell, lease, mortgage the land and or building, movable or immovable property in the name of the society for attainment of the aims and objects of the society.
- To file and defend suits or other proceedings on behalf of the Society for the attainment of the aims and objects of the Society.
- To set up Committees or sub-committees and to delegate powers and assign responsibilities to them.
- To establish Branches of the Society in different parts of India. The management of the affairs of such Branches shall vest in the Branch Management Committee, which shall be nominated/appointed by the Management Committee.
- All the office bearers shall function and act under the control of the Management Committee.
- Management Committee Meetings, Notice, Quorum
- The Management Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter.
- The Secretary shall give 7 clear days notice of meeting to the members
of the Management
Committee, specifying the place, day, time and agenda of such meeting.
However, in case
of exigency the meenting can be called by 24 hours notice. - The President of the Society shall be, Chairman of the Management Committee.
In absence of the President, Secretary shall be the Chairman and in absence of
both of them any member present in the meeting and elected shall preside over
the meeting. - Quorum at any Management Committee meeting shall be more than half of its
total members. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting may be adjourned for
half an hour. No quorum will be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
- Filling up of Casual Vacancy : The Management Committee shall have the
right to accept or reject the resignation of its office-bearers and members
and to make appointments to fill casual vacancies for the remaining part
of the term
- Powers and Duties of the Office Bearers of the Management Committee
- The President shall preside over the meetings of the Management Committee
and General Body and exercise general supervision over the activities of Society. - The President shall approve the agenda for the meeting and also confirm
the minutes of the meetings. - The President shall be the ex-officio Chairman of all the committees and sub-committees.
- The President may dispose of important and urgent matters which cannot await for
Management Committee meeting and shall report the same at the next Managing Committee meeting. - The President can incur the expenditure upto Rs1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) without
prior approval. The expenditure so incurred shall be got approved and ratified by the Managing Committee at its next meeting. - The President shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- The President shall further exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may be
determined by the Management Committee, from time to time.
- The Secretary shall be the Chief Management and coordinating authority of the Society.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for calling the meetings of the Management Committee as well as of the General Body.
- The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of the meeting and place it before the General Body and Management Committee for its consideration and approval.
- The Secretary shall conduct all the correspondence on behalf of the Society
- The Secretary shall maintain proper and up to date register of members of the Society.
- The Secretary shall execute all deeds/bonds/agreements on behalf of the Society.
- The Secretary may in consultation with the President, establish different Branches in any part of India and shall nominate / appoint office bearers and members of the such Branches as and when required.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the day to day administration and management
of the various bodies working under the Society. - The Secretary shall maintain the records, books, files and papers pertaining to the
proper and efficient working of the Society. - The Secretary shall further exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may
be determined by the Management Committee, from time to time.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for making all collections and receive cash and give
receipts thereof on behalf of the Society. - The Treasurer shall keep regular accounts of money received and disbursed and shall be
responsible for the proper maintenance of the account books and records of movable and
immovable properties of the Society. - The Treasurer shall receive grants, donations, subscriptions, membership fees etc. on
behalf of the Society. - The Treasurer shall work as financial advisor to the President/Secretary of the Society.
- The Treasurer shall keep cash in hand upto Rs. 1000/- and shall deposit excess funds,
if any, in the bank. - The Treasurer shall prepare statement of accounts at the end of the financial year and
after Audit and approval of the Management Committee put it before the Annual General
Body Meeting along with the auditor’s report and replies thereto. - The Treasurer shall further exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may
be determined by the Management Committee, from time to time.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for making all collections and receive cash and give
Sources of Income and Utilization of Funds : Resources of income of the Society shall be as under :
- Admission fee and annual subscription
- Grants
- Donations
- Bequests
- Endowments
- Loans and Advances
All the above income of the Society shall be utilised to fulfill the aims and objects of the
- Audit of Accounts : The Annual accounts comprising of ‘Income and Expenditure account’ and
“Balance Sheet’ of the Society shall be prepared for each financial year. The annual accounts
audited by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the Management Committee, shall be placed
before the General Body - Financial Year : The financial year of the Society will be from 1st April to 31st March of the year.
- Operation of Bank Accounts : The bank accounts of the Society shall be kept in any bank of
repute as decided by the Management Committee. The accounts shall be operated jointly under
the signatures of two offices bearers, one treasurer and one from President or Secretary. - Annual List of Management Committee (Sec. 4 of Act) : Once in every year a list of office
bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be filed with the Registrar of the
Societies, Delhi as required under Sec. 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. - Legal Proceedings (Sec. 6 of the Act) : The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the
President/Secretary as per provisions laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi. - Amendment in the Memorandum of Society or Rules : Any amendment in the Memorandum
of Association or Rules will be carried out in accordance with procedure laid down under
Sec.12 and 12-A of Societies Registration Act. 1860. - Dissolution and Adjustment of Affairs : If the Society need to be dissolved, it shall be
dissolved as per the provisions laid down under Section 13 & 14 of the Societies Registration
Act 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi. - Application of the Act : All the provisions under all the sections of the Societies Registration
Act 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi, shall apply to this Society. - Essential Certificate : Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulation of the of Society.