- Mission Statement
To lead the society from conflicts to harmony by promoting the spirit of helping others without any expectation in return and by taking decisive action against oppression, exploitation and mismanagement of resources. - Strategy
Action at the grass root level by individuals with support of likeminded group. Pooling small contributions to create a strong force to support and sustain action. Encourage active participation by all citizens involved. - Aims to Objects The aims and objects for which the Society is established are as under :-
- To protect the interests of the consumers and create awareness of their rights, to enable them to act as alert and informed consumers.
- To facilitate the organization of independent groups for providing advisory services to the consumers to enable them to obtain redress through legal or conciliatory procedures.
- To protect the environment and develop an integrated community based campaign for upgradation and protection of environment and safeguarding the natural resources including air, water, land, flora and fauna.
- To promote the use of environment friendly sources of energy and to discourage the use of hazardous and non-biodegradable material posing threat to the environment.
- To improve the health and nutritional standard of people specially children, women and senior citizens.
- To work for protection of human rights and to create awareness of such rights among people.
- To work for economic, social, cultural and political development of weaker sections of society and for providing them with the basic amenities and essential services.
- To work for eradication of various social evils like dowry, child labour, drug abuse, child marriage, corruption and discrimination against women etc.
- To work for human resource development, imparting management training to non-government organizations and self help groups
- To promote education including technical training among scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, backward classes, and socio-economically weaker sections of society.
- To promote the use and production of handicrafts and handlooms to assist the economically weaker sections of society in taking up self-employment.
- To provide free legal aid to economically weaker sections of society.
- To work for spreading literacy and promote use of national regional & vernacular language.
- To promote welfare and development of mentally disabled and physically handicapped people.
- The objects of the Society are for public welfare and for the benefit of all persons irrespective of caste, creed, colour, sex, language, religion or region.
All the income, earnings, moveable/ or immovable properties of the Society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of the Society and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the past members of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past member No member of the Society shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the Society or make any profits, whatsoever by virtue of this membership.